Aug 26 2015

Full Throttle launch party

We’ll be hosting the official launch party for Full Throttle on Sept 3! This event is open to everyone. (Note that this event is not small-child-friendly; teenagers and up only, please.)

Full Throttle launch party

Full Throttle launch party

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May 16 2015

Fun Nights at Frolic’s (FNF) is starting!

Published by under FNF

We’re launching our Fun Nights at Frolic’s events; the first will be held on June 4, 2015. FNF is a monthly night (held on the first Thursday of every month) when we open the Arcade to the general public. Men are welcome to attend these events. For more info, check out our page on the website (linked above) or the Facebook group for Fun Nights at Frolic’s.

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May 16 2015

New pictures!

TPV member Teresa Fulker (who is a photographer) agreed to come take some proper shots of Frolic’s Arcade. These are a few of my favorites.
Frolic's Arcade, May 2015. Picture by Teresa Fulker.

Frolic’s Arcade, May 2015. Picture by Teresa Fulker.

Frolic's Arcade, May 2015. Picture by Teresa Fulker.

Frolic’s Arcade, May 2015. Picture by Teresa Fulker.

Frolic's Arcade, May 2015. Picture by Teresa Fulker.

Frolic’s Arcade, May 2015. Picture by Teresa Fulker.

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Feb 22 2015


The Toronto Pinball Vixens website is finally up! It only took me six months to get it online, that must be a new record for speed. 😉 I’ve also gotten various social media – Twitter and Tumblr, in addition to our pre-existing Facebook – accounts going, so you can follow us however is easiest for you. Any posts made here will be cross-posted to our various accounts, so you won’t miss out no matter where you follow us.

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